This module provide fundamentals of Bioinformatics and related themes comprising Database concepts and their applications in biology, sequence analysis methods such as sequence alignment, phylogentic tree bases and tools like BLAST.
It also provide access the essencial bioinformatics application databases such as the UniProt, GenBank and the Protein DataBank (PDB)
How to use BLAST and seqeunces analysis tools.
- معلم: Abdelkrim Rachedi
This module, Structure and Function of Bio-Molecules, relates to the study of Structure and Function relationship in proteins and nucleic acids.
The course provide to the students the Central Dogma of Biology, Genetic code, DNA, RNA, Amino-acids and Protein structural details and properties and their functional implications.
The module is 60% course and 40% pratical assignments using educational software:
Visual-Biochemistry (VB) an electronic book and 'Molecules to Study' (MtS) a biomolecular grophics tool.
Both VB and MtS are developed by Dr. Abdelkrim RACHEDI.
- معلم: Abdelkrim Rachedi
biologie structurale et biomembranes est
une matière carrefour dont le but est d’expliquer les relations structure-fonction
de la membrane plasmique . Ce cours est destiné particulièrement aux étudiants Master
1 Biochimie du département des sciences biologiques mais peut servir à tous les
étudiants du domaine sciences de la nature et de la vie
- معلم: amina bendaoud